Black Business Pop-Up @ BK II

Black Business Pop-Up @ Blak Koffee II

Black Business Pop-Up Days every Tuesday and Thursday in February. Whether you're selling your products/services or just want to advertise, it's your time to shine. Fill out this form to pop-up in Blak Koffee for free! Whether you're selling your products/services or just want to advertise, it's your time to shine. This is for Blak Koffee II located at 2820 W Broadway (Goodwill Location), Louisville, KY only.
Select a date to pop-up. All pop-ups will be from 11am - 3pm. If the date has already been taken please select a different date. Please stay the whole time or kindly pass on signing up. You may vend ONCE at each location. The three sections are located on the outer edge of the cafe. Once you submit this form you are automatically assigned to that day and location. PLEASE SHOW UP on the day that you sign up for.
Are you a locally, black owned organization?(Required)
We are unable to accept businesses in Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), restaurants, liquor, or catering. By selecting yes, you confirm that your business does not fall into any of these categories.